Saturday, September 7, 2013

September Newsletter

September Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

                Welcome Fall! Now you all may know that I am completely in love with Fall, and one of the reasons is because I can open my windows and get more done in this time frame then almost any time of the year. The attic is cool so you can get more done, the air is crisp so shaking out rugs and steam cleaning carpets is perfect for this time of the year. So get your list of what you need to get done and start to check off your list! And remember to call us to get a FREE estimate on steam cleaning, detail cleaning of wiping walls, waxing floors, organization of attics or basements!
                Also, keep your eyes peeled for our commercials coming out this month! They will be on all social media, our You Tube Channel, and our website! And share them with your friends!

Organization Idea of the Month

Your garage can be a haven or your weakest link in an organized functioning home. Before it gets too cold out, let’s get in your garage. I encourage you to print out this Newsletter and hold it in your “List To Do” pile so that in the next coming weeks you can go thru your garage and get it prepped for winter. Or you can call us and schedule an appointment with us to get your garage ready!
Let’s start by sorting what you have, what categories does it fall into?
Category #1: “This was once valuable to me, maybe it will be again”
Category #2: “One day this is going to used in the project”
Category #3: “All of this stuff has a place to go; I just haven’t taken it yet”
Category #4: “I’m saving this for a garage sale”
So what is your pile up at? #1 and #2, how valuable is it? Could it be sold on Craigslist or Ebay? (You can always contact our Ebay dealer to sell items with 40% profit taken) If it isn't worth selling on the internet, is it worth taking up so much room? What about dropping it off at a thrift store or a local church charity. It’s still a tax write off. But my advice for right now, get rid of them.
#2, have you had the items for a year or more? 3 years? 5 years? Now be realistic, if you haven't had time yet, will you have time soon? If you are trying to justify it, put it on my calendar, even if it’s a month from now. Put it on your calendar and keep that appointment with your project. If you find you can’t find time, then you know that it’s time to get rid of it.
#3, lets break this down. Put it into categories:
Tools-Paint, screws nails, shovels etc.
Sports-bikes, scooters, balls, coolers etc.
Entertainment-Tables, chairs, large serving ware etc.
And whatever else you seem to find into your garage, categorize it. Now let’s find homes for it all. There are some great tips on different ways to organize things; it all depends on what it is, how much you have and what kind of space and price we are dealing with. We can always help you, contact us. Or breeze threw a department store to see shelving units, hanging brackets and tool organizers.
Cleaning Idea of the Month

                Soon the windows will close and life will become very condensed in your home. So lets focus on something that needs to breath before the windows get closed up. Your mattress! You need to rotate your mattress every 6 months, and a small piece of paper and 2 pins can help so much with this, by writing the months you need rotation and pinning it onto the mattress. Also you need to clean your mattress at least every 6 months. To clean your mattress pour about 1 cup of baking soda into a Mason jar and drop in 4 drops of lavender essential oil. Put on lid and shake it. Using a kitchen strainer sprinkle the baking soda mixture all over the mattress and let it sit for an hour or more. Thoroughly vacuum the mattress. Bye, bye dust mites and other nasty things. The baking soda helps draw up any moisture and deep dirtiness. It deodorizes and leaves the mattress smelling fresh and clean. Enjoy a clean bed!
Craft of the Month

                This time of the year people tend to start to light candles, and a great fun craft starts with family time and ends with a scented glow in your home. So go for a walk with your kids and find some fallen leaves. Let them dry then preserve them. We like to preserve them in a couple different ways. We waxed some, pressed some, and coated some leaves in Mod Podge. Find a mason jar or an old jelly jar to then Mod Podge the leaves onto a clean glass. Let it dry, and drop in a candle and enjoy your glow!
Healthy Idea of the Month

Everyone needs help and inspiration when it comes to brown-bagging it.  And so many more kids are bringing lunch from home these days.  With so many more dietary needs and restrictions, it just makes more sense.  Here’s some of the basics:
  • Lunchtime is not usually the best for trying new foods–they’re hungry, they’re distracted–maybe your kiddo doesn’t want to discover he likes octopus in front of his friends.
  • Peanut free! Get used to the “no-nut” filter.  You really want one of your kid’s friends to find out she’s lethally allergic to peanuts by sharing your kiddo’s lunch?
Make it fun! Presentation is everything to kids, if it looks fun, it most likely is fun! Try these methods.
1. Roll-ups: Take the meat and/or cheese, lay it flat. Roll it up like a burrito. Slice it into chunks, hold in place with toothpicks. You can also add a tortilla with this too!
2. Stackers: I call this the “make your own lunchables” method. Meat, cheese, crackers, and assorted toppings are presented for the kids to mix and match their own bites.
3. Nibble Plates: Also known as “What on earth do I have in the fridge?!” day! Random bits and pieces that have some seemingly cohesive theme are presented in their own containers to nibble on. Bits of leftover chicken, fruits, veggies, etc.
4. Cut-outs: There are a precious few sandwiches my daughter likes, but when she does want one, I use a larger cookie cutter to remove the crusts. My favorite is a heart shape that uses almost every ounce of food with little wasted edges.

Monday, August 19, 2013

August Newsletter 2013

August Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

The end of summer is here, you can almost smell the crisp air and feel the chill under your sweater. Fall is on its way. Now many of you know my obsession with Fall. If you have been following my blogs or on any social media you see every year I am pouring with Fall excitement! So this month’s newsletter is coming late, (sorry) however it is coming full blown FULL of GREAT ideas! So save this email, link my blog and come back to it later if you can’t read it now. It is well worth it!

Also this month on Saturday August 24th from 9-1 we are sponsored in Easton Farmers Market! We will have a tent set up around the water fountain, were we will have FREE Revitalize with Rebekah totes as hand outs, raffling a FREE house cleaning and having lots of fun and free hand on activities of getting stuff dirty, so we can show you how to clean it! Come out and enjoy seeing us at work!

Some exciting news coming is, we are now going to be airing commercials over the internet, on social feeds, and on online advertising! We also will be offering free video tutorials of how to clean, organize and help in a easily functioning lifestyle! You like our Facebook or Twitter page? You will love our videos! Keep your eyes peeled! Coming out in October!

With these changes you will also be finding our staff in a new uniform! So keep your eyes peeled on our bright green appearance!

Organization Idea of the Month

Getting ready for a new school year seems easy enough, till the moment when they are at the wrong bus stop or a week into school your child hands you a letter from the nurse saying you need a physical form, or that they need gym clothes. These are the moments when you need to drop all that you are doing to full fill a need; you know you could have been on top of. So I am going to give you a cheat sheet. Yes, this newsletter is full of secrets. So please I encourage you to view or download this Cheat sheet and make sure your child is completely ready for the new school year!

Cleaning Idea of the Month

                A few times a year that cleaning junky shoots out of every American. And one of those times is right now. Getting the new schedule with school, knowing your windows will soon be shutting up for the winter and feeling refreshed that you can get a new start.

                Let’s start with the kids rooms this year. What do they look like? A summer mess, right? I know the feeling. And my daughter already has a mile high pile of new school clothes that need to be put away. But over my dead body is she going to shove the nice new clothes into the dirty drawers full of random make-up and wet swimsuits. And where will she be able to set her new book report book? Not on the pile of unpacked sleepover bags. Think again kid. So side by side you need to go thru the room. Here is the list of things you need to pay attention to:

1.       Old clothes for donation or seasonal storage

2.       Outdated books under their reading level

3.       Old toys they didn’t play with over the summer

4.       Clean out their desk and under their bed

5.       Go thru all CD’s and DVD’s they stashed in their room on late nights of entertainment

Make sure your child helps you every step of the way, you’re not a maid, you’re their parent.  Being a maid, that is our job. Leave it to the professionals.

Craft of the Month

                No one likes a brown nose, right? Wrong! Every teacher LOVES a brown nose! So the best way to get your child off on the right foot to a new school year is the universal love language, of gifts. Now yearly my daughter has given the whole class a gift. It gives the perfect opportunity for her to make new friends by being forced to say “Hello” to everyone, including people whom she forgot about. It also makes every child more comfortable on the first day to feel they are loved by a classmate! These gifts can be small. I spent no more than $5 for the whole class. By wrapping 2 pencils together with twine, or tape an eraser onto a note with your child’s name on it.

                Also, don’t forget the most important person! Your teacher! Always get off on the right foot! There are 100’s of great ideas under $10 that will set your child up for success in the next year.

Healthy Idea of the Month

“Lunches Packed?!” Is the typical phrase from a mother in the morning before school. It’s a desperate hope that someone packed it as you are walking out the front door. For those who are sometimes frantic and can’t seem to get the hang of having them made in the morning, I’ll show you a cheat sheet. The only one you will ever need.

Here is a fantastic idea I took from a blogger last year that saved our lives. If your child is like my little angel; then you understand how they make feeding them the hardest challenge of the day. So this list is very basic, it keeps you knowing what to buy at the store and limits your child’s options. You have a basic “5 Step” process. The entire list however will be made by your sweet child. In the beginning of the year sit them down and ask them 8 different foods for each step they would like to eat. Then they will always have something that they have already chosen!

Step 1 is to choose a starch and protein. Ex: PB and J, Hummus and Crackers etc.

Step 2 is to choose a Fruit. Ex: Grapes, Apple etc.

Step 3 is to choose a Veggie. Ex: Snap peas, celery etc.

Step 4 is to choose a Snack. Ex: String cheese, Yogurt etc.

Step 5 is to choose a Beverage. Ex: Juice, Milk etc.

Having this list makes packing so much easier. Don’t let them choose off of the list, because then you are back where you started. Offer them to write up a whole new list the next day, however, at that moment they just choose from their current list, and most likely “hate their life” for a whole 5 minutes. But tomorrow will be easier. Now go enjoy packing!

June's Monthly Newsletter

June Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

May's Monthly Newsletter

May’s Monthly Newsletter

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How Rebekah Became Revitalize with Rebekah

                                                         How Rebekah Became Revitalize with Rebekah
                As a child I was raised in a Christian home with 2 older brothers, and a younger sister. At a young age my mother taught me how to cook, clean, do dishes and do my own laundry. Thinking these tasks would never amount to anything other than my ruined free time. I was like any other kid with the messy room, denial that the bathroom needed to be cleaned or was even dirty. Yet anytime when my mother would help a friend clean their home due to a move or a baby being born, I would join and I just couldn’t stop! I would whip threw the home and never noticed the day was gone. I then got a job at age 12 at a local salon, shampooing hair. I cleaned the salon, washed the towels, answered the phone and within 3 months I had gotten a raise saying I was the best she had ever had in her 35 years of business.  I patted myself on the back and didn’t think a thing.

             At age 16 I had gotten pregnant and had a little baby girl. In a complete whirl wind and change of direction in life I decided to get married and drop out of high school. Knowing all the potential I was capable of, and all the plans that the Lord had for my life, I never lost hope. Years down the line, after a divorce, college and working as a waitress on weekends while my daughter was with her father, I knew I had to get a job that I never had to get a babysitter for.  5 years into waitressing the Lord threw it onto my lap.

 I was dating a man who was from the south and worked 60+ hours a week. And after sometime of dating him I finally got a tour of the home. As we went up stairs he side-stepped a closed door then another closed door and went right for the only bedroom door that was open. A very short tour I might add. I smiled and turned around to the last door we passed and said to him “What is in here?” As I opened the first closed door he dove for my hand. But the moment was too late; I obviously opened the door to his past. Boxes everywhere. Not just boxes however, opened, ripped, poured out and dumped boxes from wall to wall. With a shocked face I ran to the next door and threw it open. I gasped, another room just the same, but bigger! I looked to him as he just stood there with his hands in his pockets with a face of prideful embarrassment. I dashed down the hall to the last bedroom which was bigger than the rest of them and even fuller. I stepped into the room and saw clothes, decorations, music, broken down furniture and household needs. I thought the items threw for a few moments and walked out of the room and said, “When did you move here?” He replied “8 years ago.” I thought a moment and said, well how much would you pay me to organize this mess? He smiled and said “I don’t even know what you would do with it.” I replied, “Everything has a place here, we just need to find its place.”

At this time my daughter had just started first grade and I was free during the day. A full week went by and his home was complete. Decorated, clothing systems hung and filled, rooms with furniture and rugs in them. Every inch of that home was complete. Shortly after, he had a few business friends over, he raved of my work to them. Those men went home and told their wives of the transformation within his home. Then their wives called me. Then the wives neighbors and family members called me. Then the wives’ neighbor’s co-workers called me. Within 6 months of that business meeting. I had to hire my first employee and make it a LLC. There was so much work so quickly that it was truly a move from the Lord. 3 years down the line we have touched 100’s of families’ homes, donated thousands of dollars to non-profits, and have employed 17 people over the last 3 years. I would call that a miracle. Now wouldn’t you?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Newsletter 2013

April Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808


Happy Spring! What a great Spring so far! We all know it started late, however it makes you appreciate it so much more! Enjoy this beautiful weather!

Our Spring Fever discount is still going on till April 19th. Our hourly rates are discounted from $30 to $25, that rate is for organization, maid services and housekeeping. Our steam cleaning is 30% discounted and our windows are at $11 per a window* (*some exceptions apply). Jump on this offer quickly! We are booked to the max at the moment, hiring and training even more this month!

Also, many of you have gotten an email last week about testimonials. If anyone was missed, we are sorry! Personally trying to reach out to everyone can be a problem. But we are looking for an update on our page and an update on our internet presence with video testimonials and written testimonials! So keep your eyes peeled for more changes with us! We are growing at a rapid rate!

Charity of the Month

This month we are donating our 5% of sales to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. One of our employees, Laura, is running a marathon for the society. She has an inspirational story of her brother being diagnosed with a rare cancer at age 5, and then diagnosed with lymphoma over a year ago. Given a slim chance of survival, he is now over a year later cancer free! Due to all the testing and advancement in treatment the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society had offered, her brother will live a long and happy life! So she is attempting to raise $1,600 for this race. Hopefully our 5% will help save some more lives in the battle of cancer. To know more or donate on your own this is her fundraising page

Organization Idea of the Month

Spring Fever! I know within the next few weeks everyone will be opening their windows feeling the need to get elbow deep into their messes that have been built up over the last year. So how do you choose which is most important? Clutter? Yes. Kitchen cabinets? Yes. Kids toys? Yes. However when we boil everything down it all funnels into, storage.

Go thru your home with a box and take out everything that you don’t use but 1 or 2 times a year. Did this lighten the clutter? Lighten the kitchen cabinets? The toys? The games? The towels? The closets? Oh, so now you see the importance of storage?

Make 3 lists of all the items in your home: One, all the items you need at hand that you use 3x or more a year, this is called in home storage. Two, all the items you use but once or twice a year, this is permanent storage. Three, all the items you would like to have a yard sale or donate. This pile needs to be made all year round. I gave up on yard sales. So I personally always have a huge box in my basement of all the clothes, shoes, toys, pots, pans, décor I end up not wanting. I typically donate a very large box every 2 months.

Home Storage: You can always give us a call because each storage situation is different. When you think of in home storage solutions think décor in each room, keeping it out of sight, accessibility, and actual usefulness. Fill up your home storage solutions and enjoy!

Permanent storage: Typically you call us, but if you want to get deep go grab totes and large bags for your larger items (ex: wreaths, large décor, comforter etc.) Try to get totes for color coordination, NO huge totes. Stack on shelving units or heaviest totes on the bottom then lighter on top.

Cleaning Idea of the Month

                Since now is the time when your windows open and the world is making itself new again, this is the time you notice most how dirty your windows get. First, hire us to clean your windows. Second, check out your blinds. Sometimes it’s near impossible for us to get some blinds clean. Whether it’s years of not being dusted regularly or they are just old and the strings attracted so much dirt and dust do this. Although you can wash them in place (with a drop cloth over the floor and furniture and a sponge), it’s best to remove the blinds. Place one blind at a time across a worktable covered with a plastic sheet or shower curtain. Wash vinyl shades using a sponge and a solution of 1⁄4 cup white vinegar in 1 quart (1 liter) of warm water. Washing The blinds in the bathtub is even easier. Run some warm water in the tub, add a squirt of dishwashing liquid, and wipe each side with a large sponge. To rinse, dunk them in clean water or hold them under the shower. Wipe with a clean, soft cloth. Many fabric shades can be washed. But take a close look at the care instructions first.

Craft of the Month

                During spring everyone thinks of flowers. And children love to see their art work hang for all to see! A great craft is to grab coffee filters and let your children color making flowers with washable markers on it and cut out the flowers. Spray them with water. While they are wet stick them to the window to dry! The flowers will stay and the light will shine right thru!

Healthy Idea of the Month

This time of year I find my peace. You may see my crazy schedule and my extremely active lifestyle. However when it comes to spring I am over joyed with a garden. I lose hours of my day being covered in dirt. Having this garden is my serenity. It keeps me mentally healthy, and physically healthy. Learning how to garden or even keeping a few potted plants can change a family. I very much encourage each of you to do some seeding and grow a few plants. It may just change your life.

March Newsletter 2013

March Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

February Newsletter 2013

February Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

January Newsletter 2013

January Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

December Newsletter 2012

December Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808