Saturday, September 7, 2013

September Newsletter

September Monthly Newsletter • (484)903-9808

                Welcome Fall! Now you all may know that I am completely in love with Fall, and one of the reasons is because I can open my windows and get more done in this time frame then almost any time of the year. The attic is cool so you can get more done, the air is crisp so shaking out rugs and steam cleaning carpets is perfect for this time of the year. So get your list of what you need to get done and start to check off your list! And remember to call us to get a FREE estimate on steam cleaning, detail cleaning of wiping walls, waxing floors, organization of attics or basements!
                Also, keep your eyes peeled for our commercials coming out this month! They will be on all social media, our You Tube Channel, and our website! And share them with your friends!

Organization Idea of the Month

Your garage can be a haven or your weakest link in an organized functioning home. Before it gets too cold out, let’s get in your garage. I encourage you to print out this Newsletter and hold it in your “List To Do” pile so that in the next coming weeks you can go thru your garage and get it prepped for winter. Or you can call us and schedule an appointment with us to get your garage ready!
Let’s start by sorting what you have, what categories does it fall into?
Category #1: “This was once valuable to me, maybe it will be again”
Category #2: “One day this is going to used in the project”
Category #3: “All of this stuff has a place to go; I just haven’t taken it yet”
Category #4: “I’m saving this for a garage sale”
So what is your pile up at? #1 and #2, how valuable is it? Could it be sold on Craigslist or Ebay? (You can always contact our Ebay dealer to sell items with 40% profit taken) If it isn't worth selling on the internet, is it worth taking up so much room? What about dropping it off at a thrift store or a local church charity. It’s still a tax write off. But my advice for right now, get rid of them.
#2, have you had the items for a year or more? 3 years? 5 years? Now be realistic, if you haven't had time yet, will you have time soon? If you are trying to justify it, put it on my calendar, even if it’s a month from now. Put it on your calendar and keep that appointment with your project. If you find you can’t find time, then you know that it’s time to get rid of it.
#3, lets break this down. Put it into categories:
Tools-Paint, screws nails, shovels etc.
Sports-bikes, scooters, balls, coolers etc.
Entertainment-Tables, chairs, large serving ware etc.
And whatever else you seem to find into your garage, categorize it. Now let’s find homes for it all. There are some great tips on different ways to organize things; it all depends on what it is, how much you have and what kind of space and price we are dealing with. We can always help you, contact us. Or breeze threw a department store to see shelving units, hanging brackets and tool organizers.
Cleaning Idea of the Month

                Soon the windows will close and life will become very condensed in your home. So lets focus on something that needs to breath before the windows get closed up. Your mattress! You need to rotate your mattress every 6 months, and a small piece of paper and 2 pins can help so much with this, by writing the months you need rotation and pinning it onto the mattress. Also you need to clean your mattress at least every 6 months. To clean your mattress pour about 1 cup of baking soda into a Mason jar and drop in 4 drops of lavender essential oil. Put on lid and shake it. Using a kitchen strainer sprinkle the baking soda mixture all over the mattress and let it sit for an hour or more. Thoroughly vacuum the mattress. Bye, bye dust mites and other nasty things. The baking soda helps draw up any moisture and deep dirtiness. It deodorizes and leaves the mattress smelling fresh and clean. Enjoy a clean bed!
Craft of the Month

                This time of the year people tend to start to light candles, and a great fun craft starts with family time and ends with a scented glow in your home. So go for a walk with your kids and find some fallen leaves. Let them dry then preserve them. We like to preserve them in a couple different ways. We waxed some, pressed some, and coated some leaves in Mod Podge. Find a mason jar or an old jelly jar to then Mod Podge the leaves onto a clean glass. Let it dry, and drop in a candle and enjoy your glow!
Healthy Idea of the Month

Everyone needs help and inspiration when it comes to brown-bagging it.  And so many more kids are bringing lunch from home these days.  With so many more dietary needs and restrictions, it just makes more sense.  Here’s some of the basics:
  • Lunchtime is not usually the best for trying new foods–they’re hungry, they’re distracted–maybe your kiddo doesn’t want to discover he likes octopus in front of his friends.
  • Peanut free! Get used to the “no-nut” filter.  You really want one of your kid’s friends to find out she’s lethally allergic to peanuts by sharing your kiddo’s lunch?
Make it fun! Presentation is everything to kids, if it looks fun, it most likely is fun! Try these methods.
1. Roll-ups: Take the meat and/or cheese, lay it flat. Roll it up like a burrito. Slice it into chunks, hold in place with toothpicks. You can also add a tortilla with this too!
2. Stackers: I call this the “make your own lunchables” method. Meat, cheese, crackers, and assorted toppings are presented for the kids to mix and match their own bites.
3. Nibble Plates: Also known as “What on earth do I have in the fridge?!” day! Random bits and pieces that have some seemingly cohesive theme are presented in their own containers to nibble on. Bits of leftover chicken, fruits, veggies, etc.
4. Cut-outs: There are a precious few sandwiches my daughter likes, but when she does want one, I use a larger cookie cutter to remove the crusts. My favorite is a heart shape that uses almost every ounce of food with little wasted edges.